November 5, 2011

India in a random growth phase..political debacle

Congress old guards PC and Pranab and other smaller gods apply different standards or parameters to identify corruption in them and others. Mammoth corruption lies hidden in their assets and family wealth. some corruption money is spent on elections and even to further they gains individually in the congress and publicly to gain a stature which is contrived.They all have skeletons in the cupboard as also the BJP leaders and corporate honchos like reliance ,tata and other big companies...Lobboyists and politicos anoint corruption voa media ,banks and finance companies.New upstart banks like ICICI HDFC have lower audit surveillance no preventive vigilance worth mentioning but they make tall claims.In the net work of corruption are Lawyers and Audit firms of even international standing.The politicians gain importance through their materialism and hedonism and that feeds their ego well.Unless the PM has full powers and not under political masters like Mainos and of tall thinking nature away from corruption India cannot redeem itself in growth on any sector.In the country there is no balanced growth.Poor villagers and rural ,semi urban people are propped up as important by CMs like Mamta and Jaya and even Modi to have political clout and vote bank gains.In the present system of things there should not be an extra constitutional powers without responsibility like Sonia and Rahul.Nehru family should have extricated themselves from power.But greed and quasi employment of the folks in the family with accumulated wealth after Nehru has made the family head strong to exploit the brand image they have because of the IT and other sector growth and the importance some corporate fellows have gained internationally.Now the Gandhian principles which are countering are the same old Gandhian principles the countered Nehruvian thoughts.With power Nehru escaped but messed up foreign relations with China and Pakistan..just pretended to show that he was a ahimsavadi in his soul....Congress with the family has deteriorated with the Delhi school economists misguiding on the basis of past parameters of growth.Congress thinks that freedom has come because of their sacrifice.that was all people under Gandhi not Nehru that brought fact after Netaji incident Nehru family gained importance in congress.This is not to reduce their contribution but to know who was the crux of the problem.Now with so much previous history Congress is still carrying on in India because of money power and such forces which are not able to side with Hindu nationalism which they think as wasteful cultural exercises of worship and rituals.Dr.Swamy has hit the nail of culture correctly.Even Gadkari in Goa #thinkfest has told he does not follow the Hindu rituals because multiplicity and contrarian rituals are a way of life.he declared that he follows Hinduism as a way of life.Hindu religion does not create boundaries and does not extracise people by fatwa etc because of multiple Gurus.this feature is getting exploited by the secular political corrupt grabbers of power under democracy.

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November 4, 2011

Dr.Swamy and Brahmins

Dr swamy is a proud Brahmin who is bringingw all corrupt fellows to books by his legal and political accumem.He is working day and night andmtqravelsma lot,to understand local reasons. But he has to be careful not out of fear but the cunningness of the swindling class is that of terrorists .WhT was the assets of all new rich?while India and Sonia want votes of the poor but leave them in lurch in the same condition without opportunity for growth and income and hence no good living conditions.this unfairness is exploding as London Riots and Occupy Movement internationally.In India Anna,Ram dev ,Sri Sri and especially and systemically dr.Subramaniam swamy.they are all Devine bold souls.all the political leaders should fall at their feet and request them to lead India which they are looting by personal interest.For long Dravidian parties rules TN and DMk family had no assets of this stature which they have acquired thru power and clout and greed.I wish the occupy movent should be directed towards their assets and Anna can do it.Swamy can create a legal framework for that.